7min read To celebrate the first 15 years of Openbravo, I recently met with Bob Mann, Openbravo’s Chairman, in Barcelona and we sat down and chatted at length about the company. We
2min read Streets with stores closed have been a common sight in many cities but little by little, with the improvement in consumer optimism, we see the rebirth of the physical store.
3min read Times like these make it difficult for luxury brands to remain relevant and engage consumers, so many have taken the call for medical supplies as a lifeline for their brand.
3min read Could retail recover with revenge spending? home improvements spike and retailers accelerate hiring, re-purpose supply chains, and facilitate innovation to fight Coronavirus on several fronts… Dear customers and friends, As
2min read While eCommerce has become a vital component of omnichannel retail strategy in recent years, no retailer was prepared for a situation where their online channel suddenly changes from being an
2min read As more and more retailers are looking to invest in automation technologies, self-checkout has gained in popularity largely due to the economic benefits which come from freeing up resources and
2min read RFID is hardly a new technology, but many retailers have struggled to reap its full benefits, with most initiatives in the past limited to boosting warehouse efficiency by attaching RFID
2min read Ikea is coming to a High Street near you. The Swedish retail giant revolutionized the way furniture is sold in the 1970s with its distinctive blue retail sheds in out-of-town
2min read Spain is home to some of the biggest names in fashion retailing and the Barcelona Fashion Summit has evolved to become a key event on the calendar for executives from
Openbravo at 15: a chat with Bob Mann, our Chairman